>> Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
~ Fall 2008: Master of Theological Studies in Liturgical Studies

Course Number Course Title Teacher School Affiliation
ST 2454 The Community Called Church T Howland Sanks, SJ JSTB
STLS 2105 Liturgical Theology Thomas Scirghi, SJ JSTB
LSSP 1355 Liturgy and Spirituality Mary McGann, RSCJ FST
RA 4194 Religion, Music, Immortality Sharon Girard DSPT

>> Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
~ Spring 2009: Master of Theological Studies in Liturgical Studies

Course Number Course Title Teacher School Affiliation
RAFT 1710 Church Music and Liturgical Singing George Emblom CDSP
LSRA 4232 Music as Art and Theology Walter Knowles CDSP
STLS 5124 Liturgical Aesthetics Thomas Scirghi, SJ
Alejandro García-Rivera
LSST 3412 Triduum of Holy Week Thomas Scirghi, SJ
John Klentos
Louis Weil
Michael Aune
LSFT 2100 Liturgical Methods and Practice
for Pastoral Ministers
Rawn Harbor FST

>> Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
~ Fall 2009: Master of Theological Studies in Liturgical Studies

Course Number Course Title Teacher School Affiliation
OT 1101 Introduction to Old Testament Garrett Galvin, OFM FST
HS 1070 History of the Church Darleen Pryds FST
HSRS 4262 US Catholics and Vatican II Thomas Buckley, SJ JSTB
SRC 9999 Special Reading Course:
Youth Spirituality and Campus Ministry
Bruce Lescher JSTB

>> Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
~ Inter Session 2010: Master of Theological Studies in Liturgical Studies

Course Number Course Title Teacher School Affiliation
RA 1756
African American Sacred Music Ann Jefferson CARE

>> Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
~ Spring 2010: Master of Theological Studies in Liturgical Studies

Course Number Course Title Teacher School Affiliation
NT 1011 Introduction to New Testament Garrett Galvin, OFM FST
OT 2504 The Psalms Michael Guinan, OFM FST
MTS 3000 Pro Seminar Gloria Loya, PBVM JSTB
MA 5000 Thesis:
Toward Theological Foundations and Frameworks
for Liturgical Music and Music Ministry in the
Catholic Church
Alejandro Garcia-Rivera
George Emblom







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